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Colkeririn Rhodesian Ridgeback Critiques - Crufts 2015

Our Crufts 2015 experience keeps on giving! We are thrilled to be able to share our two fabulous critiques for Rhodesian Ridgeback litter mates Kamba (Reserve CC) and Lana (2nd Place Yearling Bitch). Our breed specialist judge Gill Lawless (Faahac) created not just a magical day at the NEC for what seems like her entire Rhodesian Ridgeback entry, but has also delivered a beautifully, comprehensively and throughly written set of critiques which have most certainly put smiles on our faces!

We have picked this photo by Lena Piehl as an excellent one to look at as you read Kamba's critique, we can easily follow Gill's description as she considers his form:

(16/1) 1 Hodge’s Colkeririn’s Sunlight. Super young dog with a lovely balanced outline. Well proportioned head with equal plains, kind expression, nice dark round eye, strong well arched neck with nicely shaped shoulder and length to upper arm. Level top line and well arched loin, deep chest down to tight elbows. Nicely angulated rear quarters with good width to second thigh He stands on well boned limbs and tight feed. Moved out accurately with drive and purpose. At one with his handler. RCC.

And here's Lana's:

2 Hawkins, Smith and Hodge’s Colkeririn Indigo Lightly at Lonaza. A slightly larger framed bitch with balanced proportions. Lovely head plains with a soft kind expression. Clean neck on a nice front, good shoulder, straight well boned forelimbs and excellent tight feet. Deep chest well let down and close elbows. Good length to ribbing slightly short in loin, strong top line. Nicely angulated rear quarters with good width to second thigh. Moved out well with easy stride.

Photo: Lena Piehl

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