Colkeririn Rhodesian Ridgebacks
Colkeririn Rhodesian Ridgebacks
Quality Rhodesian Ridgebacks, Derbyshire, E​ngland
We only breed dogs that are true to breed type and of exceptional temperament and only breed when we were ready to add a puppy to our home. We strive to give our puppies the very best start in life they could ever have and are careful and selective of who we choose to own our puppies.
We now have all health test results completed for both Major and Skye's planned mating and couldn't be happier with their clear and excellent results across the board. These two Best In Show winning dogs have fabulous temperaments, exceptional health test results and carry some truly magnificent dogs behind them. We are so excited to be bringing their two pheonomenal pedigrees together.

We provide our puppy owners with support for the lifetime of our puppies, and warmly welcome photos and stories of how they progress through life. We want only the best puppy owners to love and care for our puppies, and ask everyone who enquires with us to answer a puppy questionnaire and to visit our home to ensure we are the right fit for each other.
Please be advised all our puppies are endorsed "progeny not for registration" and "not for export" at the time of registering with The Kennel Club, and we will never sell two puppies together to the same home.
All puppies are:
- Registered with The Kennel Club, UK with endorsements
- Go to their new homes with 4-weeks insurance
- Wormed
- Microchipped
- Inspected by at least two independent Rhodesian Ridgeback breeders and/or Veterinary Surgeons.
- Given food for the first few days in their new homes
- Given a piece of bedding full of familiar smells of their mother and litter mates to help them quickly settle into their new surroundings.
- Given a goody bag full of information about raising a Rhodesian Ridgeback puppy to become a happy, healthy companion.
Our puppies are raised in our home, amongst our dogs and experience all kinds of household sounds, sights, smells, people and adventures to socialise them and best adjust and equip them to grow to be well mannered, even tempered family members.
If you are interested in finding out more about owning a Colkeririn Rhodesian Ridgeback or would like to learn more about Rhodesian Ridgebacks, we would be happy to hear from you.

Please think carefully about bringing a puppy into your home and please research breeders and the breed carefully before committing to a Rhodesian Ridgeback. Be prepared to wait for the right puppy from the right breeder. Here is a flow chart produced by The Midlands & Northern Rhodesian Ridgeback Club (permission granted to publish) to ensure you are asking the right basic questions when researching your breeder.